Junior Bible Quiz — 9 AM — Led by Roy and Sue Mills, the JBQ season begins late August and ends in April. Meets are held in our local area with one state meet in April.
Early Arrivers — 9:30 AM — Those K-6 children that arrive early have a place for supervised play near the gym. Check in begins at this time.
Sunday School — 10:00 AM — Breaking off into age groups, students take a closer look at God's word from their unique age perspective.
Kids Church — 11 AM — This one-hour service is a can't miss for children K-6. Using music, drama, videos, games, and special messages our Kids Church leaders disciple your children in Bible principles.
Lakeside Kids Club — 7 PM — The middle of the week gets a whole lot better
when you bring your children to Lakeside Kids Club. The night kicks off with a few
praise songs and moves into a Bible study just for kids. Special activities in the second hour can include: Cooking, Pinewood Derby, Rocketry, Leathercraft, Sign Language, Amateur Radio, Carpentry, Archery, Knot Tying, and much more.
Foundations for Faith — 7 PM — This special course runs from September to May and gives sixth-grade students a thorough education in the "Bible Based Beliefs" of the Assemblies of God. Units covered include: Bible Doctrine, Inspired Scriptures, God in Three Persons, God’s Great Salvation, Baptism in Water, Communion, Holy Spirit Baptism, Divine Healing, and the Second Coming of Christ.
Summer Blast — June through August — 7PM — From shaving cream games to an authentic treasure hunt, Kids Club in the Summer is like a new adventure each week. Kids can grow closer to God through Bible Study & Fun.
Want to learn more about Lakeside Kids?
Contact our Kids Ministry Director
Angela Branch at 586-726-1120