Community Bible Study classes are composed of people from many different churches, and are designed to complement, not compete with the local church. CBS recognizes that the Lord has chosen the local church as His main channel of ministry. It is our goal to      encourage class members to belong to and actively support their local churches and to be servants and leaders in their congregations.

As class members grow in faith and in their knowledge of God's word, they become better equipped to serve in their own churches. Leadership skills learned in CBS will increase commitment to Jesus Christ and in turn strengthen the local church.

We are very grateful for the churches that permit CBS to use their facilities. It is our goal to leave the church property in better condition than what it was found and to avoid        inconveniencing the church in any way. In fact, we desire that our presence be a blessing.

Community Bible Study at Lakeside Assembly of God meets every Thursday from 9:30 - 11:30am in the Chapel.     

Our new session begins September 12, 2024! 


Join us as we study  the Book of Matthew and meet King Jesus!

Contact us for more information as shown below!

Separate classes for men and women are available and children's ministry is open for  children through 3rd grade! We also have an online (ZOOM) Class for Women only on Thursdays at 7pm. Please contact Jayme Woods via email at or visit for more information about CBS and to register for the 2024-2025 Macomb Class.

 We look forward to seeing you there!