Bible Based - Christ Centered - Spirit Filled
Lakeside is all about encountering God's Presence. It's in His Presence we experience real Love, Joy, and Victory by worshiping and serving Jesus in the power of His Holy Spirit.
The Lakeside Story is also all about people. People reaching people with the love of Jesus. Dynamic worship along with uncompromising Bible-based messages relevant to today’s issues, make each Lakeside service a unique, inspiring experience. At Lakeside you will experience the power of prayer, the strengthening of your faith, encouragement from people who really care about you and how you can strategically be used of God to make a difference in our hurting world.
Please stop by our Guest Services or Solid Rock Cafe booth for more information about Lakeside and a special complimentary gift. Experience our Loving Lakeside Family and be included in new chapters of our Lakeside Story!